четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

Vic: Auditor General to investigate Seal Rocks payment

Vic: Auditor General to investigate Seal Rocks payment

Victoria's auditor-general will investigate a multi-million dollar state governmentpayout to the former operators of the Phillip Island Seal Rocks tourism centre.

Responding to a letter from state opposition tourism spokeswoman LOUISE ASHER, Auditor-GeneralWAYNE CAMERON has expressed concerns about the payment, and says he'll conduct a reviewof the settlement.

Earlier this month, an independent arbitrator found the BRACKS government had breachedits contractual obligations regarding the centre.

The settlement has not yet been finalised, but is expected to cost taxpayers about $60 million.

The operators of Seal Rocks signed a contract with former premier JEFF KENNETT'S administrationin 1997 to build and manage the centre on Crown land near the biggest fur seal colonyin the southern hemisphere.

But when Labor won office, it blocked proposals to extend the centre and other concessionsagreed to by the previous government.

AAP RTV bp/dl/jas


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