четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

NSW: Shoppers beware of thieves = 2

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Shoppers beware of thieves = 2

If using public transport, shoppers should be particularly aware of pickpockets working in teams.

"Pickpockets operate in busy areas such as railway stations and they look for people
with their bags left open or wallets in back pockets."

She said street property crime in Sydney was "relatively low" when compared to cities
in Europe and Asia.

"As long as people are keeping a bit of an eye on their things and nursing them on
their lap or under an arm somewhere they'll be fine."

And if you do have your bag snatched, police advise: let go of the bag, take a description
of the offender, and report it to police.

"Chasing after offenders is certainly not what we advise," she said.

AAP jwb/cjh


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